In RP/General British, platinum can have many
different pronunciations, some of which are characterised by three syllables
and some by two:
a£) ˈplætɪnəm
b£) (less
usually) ˈplætənəm
c£) ˈplætn̩əm (where the t can be released nasally, pre-glottalised, or replaced entirely by ʔ)
c£) ˈplætn̩əm (where the t can be released nasally, pre-glottalised, or replaced entirely by ʔ)
d£) ˈplæʔnəm
In General
American we can get the following:
a$) ˈplætənəm
b$) ˈplætn̩əm/ˈplætnəm (where the t can be released nasally, pre-glottalised, or replaced entirely by ʔ)
b$) ˈplætn̩əm/ˈplætnəm (where the t can be released nasally, pre-glottalised, or replaced entirely by ʔ)
c$) The ODP
also has ˈplædənəm (=ˈplæt̬ənəm).
As far as
frequency is concerned, I think we can safely say that Americans most commonly
prefer ˈplæʔn̩əm/ˈplæʔnəm (or ˈplætn̩əm, with t is released nasally or pre-glottalised). Listen, for example, to the audio clips offered by the Merriam-Webster Online and the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.
For RP both LPD3 and CEPD18 prioritise ˈplætɪnəm. The OALD, the Oxford Dictionary of English (2006; 2nd edition, revised; p.1348), the Collins English Dictionary, the Macmillan Dictionary and the Cambridge Dictionary Online also give this pronunciation as the only variant for British English. Forvo, too, offers a clip with a man from England saying ˈplætɪnəm. The only pronunciation
dictionary that I'm aware of which prioritises a variant with a syllabic
consonant instead of -ɪn- is Jack
Windsor Lewis' A Concise Pronouncing
Dictionary of British and American English (p.152), published in 1972.
The existence
of the common ˈplæʔn̩əm
and ˈplæʔnəm alongside the, for
most students easier to understand (and reproduce), ˈplætɪnəm/ˈplætənəm, shows
once more how complicated English phonetics can be and how
essential it is for teachers to teach it. ˈplæʔnəm,
in this instance, is comparable to the word catheter,
which in American English some speakers pronounce as the two-syllable ˈkæθtɚ, instead of the by EFL learners
sometimes expected three-syllable ˈkæθət̬ɚ.
*Heartfelt thanks to Jack Windsor Lewis for the valuable suggestions he has given me.
*Heartfelt thanks to Jack Windsor Lewis for the valuable suggestions he has given me.
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