As you
know, the term via can be (ˈ)vaɪə and (ˈ)viːə in both RP and General American (GA). In LPD3 (p.875) we find
that the former is definitely the established pronunciation at least in British
English, and that it is preferred by 88% of the British people who responded to John Wells's questionnaire (that number
rises to 92% if one also considers those respondents born before 1942).
The latest
edition of CEPD only gives ˈvaɪ.ə for
British English but acknowledges both ˈvaɪ.ə
and ˈviː.ə for GA (p.531). ODP has ˈvʌɪə [=ˈvaɪə] for British English and both ˈvaɪə and ˈviə [=ˈviːə] for GA, though for the latter accent ˈviə is prioritised (p.1158). Finally, the Oxford BBC Guide to Pronunciation (2006) has ˈvʌɪə [=ˈvaɪə] but adds
the comment “[c]ommonly also vee-uh,
especially in phrases” (p.412), where “vee(-)” in bold type indicates main
Both (ˈ)vaɪə and (ˈ)viːə can undergo smoothing and compression in British English. So
for the latter we can get the smoothed variant ˈvɪ.ə and the smoothed and compressed vɪə. As far as the former goes, we can have the following: ˈvaɪ.ə → ˈva.ə → vaə → vaː (or vɑː). If we then take the
monophthongal vaː and
add the noun phrase a mask (ə ˈmɑːsk/ˈmæsk) to it, as in the
sentence Oxygen was administered via a
mask, what we are likely to end up with in British English is something like (ˈ)vaːr ə ˈmɑːsk/ˈmæsk, with the so-called
"intrusive r" phenomenon extremely typical of non-rhotic accents.
And (ˈ)vaːr ə ˈmɑːsk is exactly what my Medical English pronunciation students heard in a listening test I gave them recently. The
phrase, which at first sounded completely incomprehensible to them, only became
clear when I gave my students the chance to look at the audioscript in the
book. Not being aware of the possibility of r-intrusion in British English, it
is not surprising that some of them also struggled when it came to understanding
the expression ˈæsmrəˌtæk (asthma attack) a
couple of minutes later into the audio clip I played.
examples show us once again that teaching English pronunciation in EFL is
absolutely vital and that failing to do so may mean depriving our students
'of the right' to understand English as it is spoken by native speakers.
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