As some of
you will know, besides teaching English Phonetics at the Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, I also teach English pronunciation at the IPASVI Nursing College of Rome. The IPASVI Nursing College of Rome is just a stone's throw
from St Peter's Basilica, which allowed me last Tuesday evening to get to St
Peter's Square just in time to see the black smoke billowing from the top of
the Sistine Chapel, indicating that no pope had been chosen.

Below you
can find both the English and the Italian versions of these prayers together
with one possible (mainly) phonemic transcription into contemporary RP and Standard
Italian pronunciation.
sapranno alcuni di voi, oltre ad insegnare Fonetica Inglese all'Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, insegno Pronuncia Inglese presso il Collegio IPASVI di Roma. Il Collegio IPASVI di Roma è vicinissimo alla Basilica di San
Pietro, il che mi ha permesso, martedì scorso, dopo le mie lezioni, di
raggiungere Piazza San Pietro giusto in tempo per vedere la fumata nera provenire dal
comignolo della Cappella Sistina.

sotto troverete la versione rispettivamente in inglese e in italiano di queste
preghiere, assieme ad una possibile trascrizione (essenzialmente) fonemica in
RP e pronuncia standard italiana.]
ðə ˈlɔːdz ˈprɛː
Our Father,
who art in heaven,
ˈɑː ˈfɑːðə | hu ˈɑːt ɪn ˈhevn̩ |
Hallowed be
thy name.
ˈhæləʊd bi ðaɪ ˈneɪm ||
Thy kingdom
ðaɪ ˈkɪŋdəm ˈkʌm ||
Thy will be
done on earth, as it is in heaven.
ðaɪ ˈwɪl bi ˈdʌn ɒn ˈɜːθ əz ɪ tɪz ɪn ˈhevn̩ ||
Give us
this day our daily bread,
ˈɡɪv əs ˈðɪs ˈdeɪ ɑː ˈdeɪli ˈbred |
And forgive
us our trespasses,
ən fəˈɡɪv əs ɑː ˈtrespəsɪz |
As we
forgive those who trespass against us
əz wi fəˈɡɪv ˈðəʊz u ˈtrespəs əˈɡenst əs ||
And lead us
not into temptation,
ən ˈliːd əs ˈnɒt ɪntə temˈteɪʃn̩ |
But deliver
us from evil.
bət dəˈlɪvər əs frəm ˈiːvl̩ ||
ɑːˈmen ||
ˈheɪl ˈmɛːri ||
Hail Mary,
full of grace,
ˈheɪl ˈmɛːri | ˈfʊl əv ˈɡreɪs |
The Lord is
with thee.
ðə ˈlɔːd ɪz ˈwɪð ði ||
Blessed art
thou amongst women,
ˈblesɪd ɑːt ˈðaʊ əmʌŋkst ˈwɪmɪn |
And blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
əm ˈblesɪd ɪz ðə ˈfruːt əv ˈðaɪ ˈwuːm | ˈdʒiːzəs ||
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
ˈhəʊli ˈmɛːri | ˈmʌðər əv ˈɡɒd |
Pray for us
sinners now
ˈpreɪ fər ʌs ˈsɪnəz | ˈnaʊ |
And at the
hour of our death.
ən ət ði ˈaər əv ɑː ˈdeθ ||
ɑːˈmen ||
ˈɡlɔːri bi tə ðə ˈfɑːðə ||
Glory be to
the Father
ˈɡlɔːri bi tə ðə ˈfɑːðə |
and to the
ən tə ðə ˈsʌn |
and to the
Holy Spirit.
ən tə ðə ˈhəʊli ˈspɪrɪt ||
As it was
in the beginning,
əz ɪt ˈwɒz ɪn ðə biˈɡɪnɪŋ |
Is now,
ˈɪz ˈnaʊ |
And ever
shall be,
ən(d) evə ˈʃæl bi ||
without end.
ˈwɜːld wɪðaʊt ˈend ||
ɑːˈmen ||
ˈpadɾe ˈnɔstɾo ||
Padre nostro, che sei nei cieli,
ˈpadɾe ˈnɔstɾo |
kesˈsɛi nei ˈtʃɛli |
Sia santificato il Tuo nome.
sja ˈsantifikatol twɔ
ˈnɔme ||
Venga il Tuo regno,
ˈvɛŋɡal two ˈɾeɲɲo ||
Sia fatta la Tua volontà,
sja ˈfatta la ˈtua
volonˈta |
Come in cielo così in terra.
ˈkomin ˈtʃɛlo ˈkozin ˈtɛra ||
Dacci oggi il nostro pane
ˈdattʃi ˈɔddʒil nɔstɾo
ˈpane kwotiˈdjano ||
Rimetti a noi i nostri debiti,
ɾiˈmetti‿anˈnoi‿i nɔstɾi ˈdebiti ||
Come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri
kome ˈnoi li ɾimetˈtjamai
ˈnɔstɾi debiˈtoɾi ||
E non ci indurre in tentazione,
e non tʃinˈdurin
tentatˈtsjone |
Ma liberaci dal male. Amen.
ma(l)ˈlibeɾatʃi dal
ˈmale | ˈamɛn ||
ˈave (‿o(m)) maˈɾia ||
Ave, (o) Maria,
ˈave (‿o(m)) maˈɾia |
Piena di grazia,
ˈpjɛna di ˈɡɾattsja |
Il Signore è con Te.
il (t)siɲˈɲoɾɛkkon ˈte ||
Tu sei benedetta fra le donne,
tusˈsɛi beneˈdetta
fra le ˈdɔnne |
E benedetto è il frutto del
Tuo seno, Gesù.
e beneˈdettɛl ˈfɾuttɔ
del two ˈseno dʒeˈsu ||
Santa Maria, Madre di Dio,
ˈsanta maˈɾia | ˈmadɾe
didˈdiɔ |
Prega per noi peccatori,
ˈpɾɛɡa peɾ ˈnoi
pekkaˈtoɾi |
Adesso e nell'ora della nostra
morte. Amen.
aˈdɛsso‿ennelˈloɾa della ˈnɔstɾa
ˈmɔɾte | ˈamɛn ||
ˈɡlɔɾjal ˈpadɾe ||
Gloria al Padre,
ɡlɔɾjal ˈpadɾe |
Al Figlio
al ˈfiʎʎɔ |
E allo Spirito Santo.
e allo ˈspiɾitɔ(s)ˈsanto
Come era nel principio
koˈmɛɾa nel pɾinˈtʃipjɔ
E ora e sempre,
e ˈoɾa‿esˈsɛmpɾe |
Nei secoli dei secoli. Amen
nei ˈsɛkoli dei ˈsɛkoli
| ˈamɛn ||
Just a couple of comments on your English transcription of the prayers, which are, as always, wonderfully accurate. The comments have to do with accentuation and weak forms. I am crossing my fingers that no-one asks me WHY I think what I do...
ReplyDelete"The Lord is with thee"
I feel it has to be ðə ˈlɔːd ɪz ˈwɪð ðiː
Similarly, and ever shall be → ənd evə ˈʃæl bi
(here the future tense contrasts with the preceding past and present tenses)
Finally, "blessed art thou". I see John Wells in LPD mentions an occasional weak form for "art", but I am pretty sure I have never heard it used in the Hail Mary, so ˈblesɪd ɑːt ˈðaʊ
John, thank you so much for your comments!
Delete"I feel it has to be ðə ˈlɔːd ɪz ˈwɪð ðiː": I was a bit unsure this morning about "The Lord is with thee" because I've heard English native speakers stress both the preposition and the pronoun, but the version you propose is probably the commoner of the two.
I think the Lord's Prayer has unique int·rest from the linguistics and phonetics point of view. Much of this is on account of its being acquired by all (excepting infant prodigies) before one's able to read it — by hearing it repeated. This means that some words and some of their pronunciations may retain archaisms that have not persisted in more revised versions. This is cert·nly so in my case. I was given a Book of Common Prayer in 1932 when I was only six years old and wou·d not have yet learnt to read. The version I thereafter retained was 'Our Father 'which' not 'who' art in Heaven'. Also I acquired the pronunciation of hallowed which inste·d of the modern regularised /`haləʊd/ is the form unchanged from Middle English /`halwɪd/, tho I'd say this is very prob·bly a small-minority usage nowadays. The other way my spoken version differs from your (perfec·ly correct) one is stylistic. No dou·t from a feeling of preference for what seems more dignified, my generation and praps most of the present one still opt for the strongform of 'as' on both occasions of the word's occurrence which both seem to lend themselves to rhythmic break from what precedes them. A modernisation long gen·rally made has been to replace 'in earth' with 'on earth'. In the UK, GB speakers have almost all retained /trespəs/ but in GA /trespӕs/ seems to be establishing itself. Finally, I think I (used to) say “them that trespass a`gainst us” but praps now “them that trespass against `us” is commonly used.
ReplyDeleteJack, so interesting as ever! Thanks!