I’m afraid,
there’s no easy answer to these questions. This is essentially because, as you
already know, in Italy there is NO REAL book about Italian phonetics! OK, there
are many manuals on elocution, some on general phonetic matters, and some which
DO contain information about Italian pronunciation, but they are all written from
a prescriptive point of view. Basically, there is NO book which presents an
objective account of what native speakers of (“standard”) Italian really say.
thoughts of mine are triggered by the recent release of a book published by
HOEPLI entitled Manuale professionale di dizione e pronuncia (2011; Milano: HOEPLI). The authors are Giancarlo Carboni,
a professional actor, and Patrizia Sorianello, Professor of General Linguistics
at the Università degli Studi di Bari.
Their book
is not just a speech training manual but also a volume on general phonetics and
on aspects of Italian pronunciation. In it, one can also find a chapter on
phonetic transcription and the principles of the IPA, plus a page (p.28)
showing the 2005 IPA chart in full.
The book,
which also comes with an audio CD, is not only aimed at managers, actors,
singers, lawyers, TV and radio presenters, journalists and politicians – the
authors stress in the introduction (p.viii) – but at teachers and students as
well. In Italy, they point out, all schools and universities should teach the
“correct” pronunciation: it is only by doing this – they conclude – that we can
accomplish the task of unifying Italy.
In several chapters
the authors furnish lists of “rules” for “correctly” pronouncing words
containing e, o, s, and z in their spelling. They also stress,
though, that in reality the situation is much more complicated, especially as
far as e and o are concerned. As you know, Italians vary a lot between e and ɛ and between o and ɔ, even in the same word. To give you
just an example, collega is
traditionally kolˈlɛɡa when it means
‘colleague’ and kolˈleɡa when it
means ‘(it) links/connects’. I say kolˈlɛɡa
for both, and like me many other native speakers of Italian! So why do Mr
Carboni and Ms Sorianello insist that kolˈlɛɡa for both meanings is wrong (p.135)? What’s
the point of having to differentiate the
meanings of these two words on the basis of the pronunciation of the e when most native speakers just don’t
do it?! – and we all understand each other perfectly well! The answer the
authors provide in the book is: clarity. But, believe me, NO native speaker of
Italian would get confused between the noun and the verb I’ve just mentioned!
In this particular case, clarity seems to be just an excuse for keeping the Tuscan
tradition alive.
As far as s and z go, Carboni and Sorianello rightly say that z is now more common in intervocalic position, as is dz in initial position. So, for
example, they correctly transcribe words like zio (‘uncle’) and zucchero (‘sugar’)
dzio and ˈdzukkero (p.170) respectively. But why not allow tsio and ˈtsukkero (or indeed ˈtsukkɛro)
as well? After all, these variants are still to be heard from native speakers across
the length and breadth of the country and they do not bring about any
difference in meaning or misunderstanding whatsoever!
And what’s
wrong with ts instead of traditional
s before n, r, l? After all, epenthetic t has now become increasingly
widespread among native speakers and can frequently also be heard on all
television channels. Why is, for instance, ˈpɛntso
(penso, ‘I think’) not acceptable? Is
it again because of clarity?
Maybe Mr
Carboni and Ms Sorianello just don’t know what ‘clarity’ means... To help them,
here’s a quote by Daniel Jones (The
Pronunciation of English; 1956, p.4-5) on the difference between “good” and
“bad” speech:
“’Good’ speech may be defined as a way of speaking which is clearly intelligible to all ordinary people. ‘Bad’ speech is a way of talking which is difficult for most people to understand. [...] A person may speak with sounds very different from those of his hearers and yet be clearly intelligible to all of them, as for instance when a Scotsman or an American addresses an English audience with clear articulation. Their speech cannot be described as other than ‘good’”.
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There’ll be no post next week. Next posting in December.